baby Judy book

I love books!

When I was about ten, it occurred to me that books are written by people and I was a person.  I could create my favorite things–I could write books!  I got a bachelor’s degree in English and music. I think my music education helps me write poetry. My first poem was accepted for publication before I graduated.  I had some success with poetry, but my biggest dream was to write fiction for children.  My first fiction piece was accepted about 25 years after the first submission.  Finally!

Things you might want to know about me: I know how to persevere.  I’m a third-generation California native, living in Indiana.  I have two remarkable sons who are now young men and a husband who’s supported my writing for over three decades.  I love cats and currently have three of them.  I love being near water–oceans, lakes, rivers all work for me.  Chocolate is probably my biggest downfall, after my insatiable urge to travel.  I’m exceptionally curious.  (Or nosy, as my family calls it.)

Hometown beach

Hometown beach

38 responses »

  1. I live in Short Hills, New Jersey. My daughter just graduated from The University of Notre Dame. Tonight she took my 9 year old son to Barnes & Noble to buy a book for me to read to his 2nd grade class for his birthday. They came home with Goodnight, Dragons. What a great story, and was surprised to learn you live in Indiana. Gina Maldonado

    • Congratulations to your daughter for graduating from Notre Dame. That’s a very influential institution in our area. Thanks so much for sharing–it’s fun to think about Goodnight, Dragons being shared for a birthday reading. Happy birthday to your son!

  2. I absolutely love Serendipity and Me with all my heart. I read it when I was eight and I cried. Then I gave it away for some reason. I’m thirteen now and reading it and crying again. Love it.❤❤

      • What inspired you to write “Serendipity Me”? Why did you start writing? How many books have you wrote?

      • Inspiration: Sara’s voice just came to me in the beginning as a poem where she remembered her mom. I kept exploring her story, and then an editor encouraged me to explore even more. I started writing because I wanted to be able to do what authors do. I was about eight when I wrote my first poems and stories. I’ve lost track of how many stories I’ve written, but the number of children’s books I’ve had published so far is four, with two more picture books coming out next year. Hoping there will be many more! Good luck with your project, Sage.

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